Friday, April 20, 2012

Fast Company: Content Curators are New Web Superheroes

The print and online magazine that reports on what "fast companies (entrepreneurs and cutting-edge ventures) are doing has taken a look at the growing importance of curators.

"Curation is the act of individuals with a passion for a content area to find, contextualize, and organize information. Curators provide a consistent update regarding what's interesting, happening, and cool in their focus. Curators tend to have a unique and consistent point of view--providing a reliable context for the content that they discover and organize," according to a blog post by Steven Rosenbaum.

He goes on to list some best curation pratices and highlights some of the current curation tools (we used a couple that he mentions--Storify and Pinterest--in class this semester).

"One thing I'm sure of," Rosenbaum adds, "the web is going to keep growing fast. And the solution to making sense of the massive volume is a new engaged partnership between humans and machines."

Click here to read the complete post. 

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