Monday, February 27, 2012

It's Never Too Early to Start Thinking About the Final Project

This semester, the final project is all about you and your dream digital media project.
If you had the money and the staff to launch a digital media outlet or to create an app or to do something that no one in the communications field has ever done before, what would it be?
You need to think outside the box. You will have to create a prototype. You will have to answer some basic questions about your idea.
Here's a good example of thinking different. KCRW is the Public Radio station in Santa Monica. It just launched a YouTube channel that "will stream themed video playlists curated and hosted by the station's DJs."
That's right. Radio DJs curating (collecting and using their judgment and news sense to customize and present the material) video.
Check out the video and start dreaming of what you can do. This is the first step in becoming an entrepreneurial journalist.

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